All over the world, the level of economic development varies from state to state and region to region. When there exists wide difference in the per capital income of various states,  it is called imbalance regional development.  But according to some economists,  an area should be considered backward or imbalanced development only when potentials of the region have not been fully exploited. But in the ultimate analysis,  the growth is measured in terms of relative income in various states,  it is regional imbalance which is the case in India.  Some of states of the country are very developed while many other are in a very backward condition.

Regional imbalanced development

 The regional imbalances can be studied on the basic of the following indicator :

  1. Per capital income - Large scale disparities ate found in the per capita income of various states due to imbalanced development of the country.  Some of the states in India have very high per capital income while some states have very low per capital income.  Some state such as Delhi, Maharashtra, Punjab, Haryana and Gujrat are the most developed States on the basic of per capita income. On the other hand Bihar, Assam, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh are most backward states of India. 
  2. Infrastructural Facilities - If adequate infrastructural facilities have been developed in a region then certainly this area will witness rapid economic development. But in some region sufficient infrastructure facilities are not developed. Therefore disparties can be seen in different region. From the point of infrastructure, Punjab, Tamilnadu, Haryana and West Bengal a very strong. 
  3. Social Infrastructure and Human Development - wide disparties are observed in case of social infrastructure and human development among different states.  Rajasthan,  Uttar Pradesh,  Madhya Pradesh,  Bihar and Orissa are the most backward states from this point of view.  Kerala and Tamil Nadu have achieved higher level of human development.